Friday, September 5, 2008

Another friday gone..

Is it just me or does it seem the older we get the fast the days, weeks, months, years etc....just seem to fly right on by. My baby girl will be 7 months old on the 8th but I can still remember when we were struggling to even conceive her, now she is just growing growing growing. Makes me sad cuz she is my last baby so I am trying to cherish every bit I have with her, every new discovery.

The seasons are changing once again, leaves turning different colors. I like Autumn cuz it is very pretty but it is also just a step away from Winter which I honestly don't like. I am not a cold/snow person. And we are only 3 months away from Christmas and another New Year...dang...!

The kids are all doing great in school soo far but I still think I am going to try to get them into the charter school Chappelow. I like that it goes up to 8th grade so they only have to transition from there to H.S. Open enrollment isn't until November and the crappy thing is it's a drawing....meaning one's name could get drawn but not the other two, but then the next year they have an even better chance of being accepted because of having a sibling there.
Such decisions!

Rebecca is still struggling to get her two bottom teeth, my poor little sweetie has been teething since she was 3 1/2 months old, and they come up to right below the surface, then go back down. Right now they are horribly swollen and she has the little white blisterish thing on them so I am hoping this time around is it!

Well lets hope this weekend is a good one! If anyone reads my blogs, then have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Time does just seem to be flying lately, I think the more kids you have the faster it goes!

Good luck figuring out the school situation, the lottery system kinda sucks but like you said the younger siblings will get priority if you can get one in.